Saturday, August 14, 2010

When Zombie Dolls Attack

The line has been drawn in the graveyard dirt…which side are you own? More importantly, which side is your zombie doll on?

Zombie Corey is leading the war against humans. He has many recruits. He thinks his army will win the battle by numbers alone.

Zombie Morgy is fighting to save the humans. She has fewer recruits. She thinks her army will win the battle by the love in their unbeating hearts.

The war is coming.

Choose wisely.

Choose soon.

The day is coming for “When Zombie Dolls Attack”!

Look for the new zombie doll series "When Zombie Dolls Attack" to launch this fall!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New on the Zombie Farm

Zombie Bride/Bride couple.
Trying my hand at glass pendants, it is really teaching me patience. Something I lack.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Witchy Web

Here she is....custom zombie doll Witchy Web

Monday, May 31, 2010

UnHandy Mandy Contest

The contest for zombie doll UnHandy Mandy begins June 1, 2010 and will run till the end of the month. June 30, 2010

How do you enter? You ask.

Easy...all you have to do is leave a comment...but not just any comment.

Tell me which famous person you'd like to see as a zombie doll!

You only need to comment once, multiple comments will not give you more chances.

Winner will be chosen by name in hat type drawing.

Winner will be announced July 5, 2010

I am new at this contest thing so be patient please.

Good luck and may all your zombie nightmares come true!

~Zombie Queen

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Zombie Outbreak Infects Whole Family !!!

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent!

Here's a story of a lovely mother

who invited her kids to an early lunch

On the way there, one was attacked

that's how they became the Zombie Bunch!

We have: Jamie the oldest.

Laura who is followed by Nicole

and the heart of the family, Mom

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Zombie Queen Story

I have been asked by several people how I got started making Zombie Rag Dolls...

Here it is, pay attention, there maybe a pop quiz afterwards. :)

First doll I ever made was ghostie. My son Matthew had a fear of the dark and ghost. (the ghost thing was my fault, long story there) One night he just sat screaming in bed because he was afraid a ghost was going to come get him. I had no sewing machine then but I had an idea. I cut up a white sheet, drew a ghost shape and a lot of hand sewing later GHOSTIE was born. I told Matthew Ghostie would keep the bad ghost away. He grabbed Ghostie and slept with it from then on.

Sewing machine was bought months later. Curtains and pillows were made. Summer arrived and I begin to work on Halloween costumes.

Matthew passed away that August due to a heart condition. He was 8 years old. My heart was broken, my family was broken.

Rachel, my daughter who was 12 at the time. Asked me to make her and her friends dolls based on Sally from 'Nightmare Before Christmas' (my favorite movie of all time). I drew the pattern out and several dolls and happy girls later I was done with dolls forever.

After some family drama, rumors of witchcraft and voodoo (long funny story) I was sitting at home having a sobbing fit because I was missing my Mattman so much. I spotted Rachel's doll, my mind begin to race. Thoughts invaded my mind, a plan was forming, that ominous da da da da music begin playing. (where the hell did it come from?) I stood up and declared..."Eureka! I am the Zombie Queen and I will raise an army of Zombie dolls and take over the world!"

I began the journey of becoming the Zombie Queen. Many patterns were drawn and tried. Each one getting closer and closer to what I saw in my mind. I noticed when i spent time creating zombies for other people my heart was not so heavy. Yes I miss Matthew, more and more everyday. But the Zombie dolls were helping me keep what little was left of my mind.

So now the Zombie outbreak continues...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ms. Zombie Brooklyn

and Zombie Jamie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Coming out of the burial plot....

Been working on several custom Zombies.
Finished 2 up today, hopefully 2 or 3 more tomorrow.
Am very excited about a set of 4 I'm working on. Custom for a mother and her 3 children.
Hopefully i can take some pics tomorrow.
Purchased some labels for the zombies and trying them out on this latest batch.
I'm also thinking of venturing into making glass pendants using pics of the zombie dolls. Still undecided.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Witch way to the past?

Witch Zombies I have done in the past.

Zombie Bride and Groom

Another custom order from the Zombie Farm...

For you Ms. Mia!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fresh off the Zombie Farm

Just finished I need to name her before I can list her.

Zombie Dolls plotting an uprising

So here I was on the Zombie Farm relaxing when I stumble upon a group of Zombie dolls. I grabbed my camera to snap a few shots. To my surprise I discovered I had crashed a meeting to plan a zombie doll is the evidence.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Custom Zombie for Pretty Screams

Just finished another custom Zombie doll !

He was raised from the dead just in time to take zombie Hail to the ZOMBIE PROM !!!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sheepyhead Donation

Sheepyhead is one of two zombies being donated to a special event!

Custom Zombie

Here is a custom Zombie I just finished up! (only for you D, only for you)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Custom Zombie T

This is custom Zombie for friend whose son is going into service and he plays the trumpet. So she asked me to incorporate both is ZOMBIE T !!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Zombie Dolls

Just a few of the latest Zombies from the Zombie Farm

The Sisters Goth...their sweet smiles will mislead you. They are all evil.
Zombie Doreen Ducky...she just wants to find a loving family.